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The City of Ember 02 July, 2015

After reading a few young adult trilogies, Amazon recommended The City of Ember . This book was pretty similar to Red Rising and that…

Spec Ops 01 July, 2015

I was looking for books related to the history of unconvential warfare, and Spec Ops kept popping up. This book presents a theory for how…

A Small Indiscretion 22 June, 2015

I read Everything I Never Told You and The Girl on The Train for whatever reasons (I think because of some Amazon list), and hence A…

Masters of Chaos 20 June, 2015

While reading Chosen Soldier , there was a reference to the book Masters of Chaos as a good historical account of the missions of the…

Path of the Assassin 16 June, 2015

After reading The Lions of Lucerne , I really wanted to read more about Scot Harvath, so I followed up with the second book in the series…

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 15 June, 2015

There has been an increasing amount of discussion and interest in what is now known as the Autism spectrum, which includes Asperger's…

On the Road 12 June, 2015

I don't completely know what to say about On the Road . It was an okay read, although I had trouble staying awake throughout as it was so…

Chosen Soldier 08 June, 2015

Chosen Soldier is an account of how the US Army recruits and trains special forces soldiers. This was the state of affairs as of around…

Flow 06 June, 2015

I am usually not a fan of psychology books, especially not pop psychology, and even more typically not a fan of what could commonly be…

Dark Places 25 May, 2015

This is the last of Gillian Flynn's books that I needed to read. I read them nonchronologically, reading Gone Girl first, then Sharp…

Inside Delta Force 23 May, 2015

I have been reading a few military books recently, so naturally I would eventually come to read something about Delta Force. What better…

The Girl on the Train 17 May, 2015

The Amazon lists of top books seems to be a bit hit or miss with me, but more hit than miss. The Girl on the Train is definitely a hit on…

Roughneck Nine-One 10 May, 2015

It appears that I was able to make good on my hope that I would be able to catch back up to my previous pace of a at least a book a week as…

Cryptonomicon 04 May, 2015

Cryptonomicon was a long and at times convulted read, but overall it was entertaining. Although the book was not ridiculously long (around…

Guns, Germs, and Steel 30 March, 2015

One of the more eye opening books I have read in a while, Guns, Germs, and Steel is a look at why some parts of the world advanced faster…

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