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On Writing 04 September, 2016

On Writing came to my attention through an interaction with a friend. I have always loved the creative process of writing, both fiction and…

The Good Girl 23 August, 2016

I think I ended up reading The Good Girl because it was on the list of free books from Amazon for July or August. It was a decent book, at…

Life updates 07 August, 2016

The last non-book post I wrote was on New Years. Some things have happened in my life since then. Shit a lot of things have happened. I…

Snow Crash 07 August, 2016

I am dragging this year on my reading. Part of that has to do with skydiving taking up a lot of my time. Part has to do with that I recently…

Water for Elephants 10 July, 2016

I kept hearing about or seeing Water for Elephants so that I came to the conclusion that it must be worth checking out. Overall it was an…

Catch 22 01 July, 2016

There are many books that for one reason or another exist in my mind as part of a list of classics. Books that I feel are quoted or read…

The Last Girl 11 May, 2016

I picked The Last Girl as my choice for the free book of the month from Amazon, at least that is how I think I got this for free. It was…

When Breath Becomes Air 27 April, 2016

I heard about When Breath Becomes Air coming out probably because of the New York Times article that the author wrote, but I am not…

Giraffe 26 April, 2016

Giraffe is the debut novel by J.M. Ledgard although it is the second book of his that I have read. I forget why I initially read…

Morning Star 15 April, 2016

The third and final book in the Red Rising trilogy, Morning Star was equally as good as the first two books. None of them are liteary…

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 29 March, 2016

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is not at all what I thought it was going to be. I had envisioned a book that had some general…

Fates and Furies 10 March, 2016

Fates and Furies is yet another work of literary fiction with a dramatic amount of metaphor and flowery language. This is a heavy book with…

The Bell Jar 29 February, 2016

Thank goodness for leap day as I managed to technically get in another book in February. I forgot why I added The Bell Jar to my wishlist…

The Goldfinch 23 February, 2016

I was in an airport bookshop and saw The Goldfinch on the shelf. I picked it up and glanced at the back cover, decided that yes I would…

Siddhartha 30 January, 2016

I am not sure where I had first heard of Siddhartha , but it has been in the back of my head as a book that I should read at some point…

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