
57 posts tagged with "nonfiction"

The WEIRDest People in the World 26 March, 2022

The WEIRDest People in the World was a really great book. I don't have much of a review to write at the moment, but I highly recommend it.

Managing Humans 20 November, 2021

Managing Humans was a recommendation from someone at work. It is basically a collection of blog posts turned into a book. That does not…

Collapse 31 May, 2021

I loved Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond so I have been looking forward to reading Collapse and I finally got around to it. It…

Hunt, Gather, Parent 27 March, 2021

Hunt, Gather, Parent is the best parenting book I have read so far. It has many faults and I don't think you should just follow her advice…

Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned 19 March, 2021

Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned is less of a book and more of a series of blog posts. It contains a great kernel of a idea, namely goal…

The Philosophical Baby 08 March, 2021

The Philosophical Baby is an interesting book from when viewed as a parenting book. It presents a lot of modern scientific understanding of…

Thinking in Systems 21 February, 2021

Thinking in Systems is a great book about, well, thinking in systems. I have never heard of this field before which I am now realizing is…

Confronting The Classics 09 January, 2021

Confronting The Classics I picked up because Taya had suggested that I might like it given my recent interest in history podcasts…

The Kingdom 06 August, 2020

The Kingdom is both really annoying and amazing. It radically altered how I view Chistrianity, The Bible, and the church. But the author is…

The Mom Test 18 May, 2020

I heard about The Mom Test several times on different startup and tech podcasts. I decided to pick it up even though I'm not planning on…

The Whole-Brain Child 08 March, 2020

The Whole-Brain Child is part of the current parenting zeitgeist mostly coming out of Southern California psychology practices. Like many…

Atomic Habits 09 January, 2020

I heard about Atomic Habits on a podcast I listen to and decided to give it a shot. As basically a self-help book it is not bad. You have…

How to Change Your Mind 09 July, 2019

I fell behind on writing these after reading, so this is just going to be a marker. I read How to Change Your Mind and it was great. This…

The Spy and the Traitor 10 June, 2019

I am not sure why this one got recommeneded to me but The Spy and the Traitor as been on my list for a while now. I am happy to have…

The Last Stone 14 May, 2019

Having children changes your outlook on life. The Last Stone is a true crime story about the kidnapping and murder of two young girls in…

The Real Lolita 06 February, 2019

I still need to read Lolita . It is one of the only audiobooks that I have ever made it all the way through and actually felt like I…

The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell 25 January, 2019

The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell is actually two essays really put together as a book. The first The Doors of Perception is…

Acid Test 29 December, 2018

Another member of the drug related books on Taya's bookshelf, Acid Test is yet another historical look at psychedelics in the United…

Give People Money 20 November, 2018

Give People Money is yet another book on Universal Basic Income. The writing is decent, the range of topics is worthy, and if you know…

The Shock Doctrine 20 September, 2018

The Shock Doctrine is a book detailing how capitalism has been spread throughout the world on the back of disaster and violence. I was…

The War on Normal People 25 August, 2018

I have been thinking about universal basic income (UBI) a lot lately, and luckily enough so have a lot of other people. The New York Times…

Flow (again) 20 August, 2018

I had this book Flow (again) on my Kindle and couldn't remember whether I had read it yet or not, so I decided to read it. Just now as I…

The Danish Way of Parenting 04 July, 2018

The last in the batch of parenting books that I bought, The Danish Way of Parenting turns to Denmark as a bastion of happiness to explain…

The Harvard Psychedelic Club 01 July, 2018

The Harvard Psychedelic Club was recommended to me by Taya as she was surprised I had not read it already. I had a decent understanding of…

Bringing Up Bébé 29 June, 2018

Bringing Up Bébé is a book memoir combined with a book on parenting advice. The main point is that the culture of parenting in Paris is…

Rise and Kill First 04 April, 2018

I saw a review for Rise and Kill First a month or so ago and immediately put it on my reading list. I decided to read it after I picked up…

The Blessing Of A Skinned Knee 22 March, 2018

The Blessing Of A Skinned Knee was recommended by our future pediatrician. In many ways it is a book about living a Jewish life and how…

Shoe Dog 12 March, 2018

Shoe Dog , the autobiography or memoir by Phil Knight, is a thoroughly engaging and entertaining account of the rise of the most iconic…

The Great Leveler 27 February, 2018

Continuing in my reading trend of all things about inequality, The Great Leveler is a history book attempting to find causes for how…

Down Girl 07 February, 2018

I added this book to my list some months ago after I believe seeing a review in a newspaper. I bought it in the last batch of books along…

Between the World and Me 30 January, 2018

A letter from a father to his son, Between the World and Me is something that got inside my brain. I had a lot of thoughts while reading…

The War of Art 22 January, 2018

Another book made it onto my list for a reason I can no longer remember. I decided to pick up The War of Art and power through it because…

Hillbilly Elegy 24 December, 2017

When one gets married, there is an expectation of a gift or favor given to the attendees by the bride and groom. Taya and I had both been to…

Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals 10 March, 2017

Written by the author of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals is the next step in a philosophical…

Capital in the Twenty-First Century 24 January, 2017

Every once in a while a book comes along that many people talk about wanting to read or bragging about having read and I often find it hard…

Country of My Skull 13 December, 2016

Country of My Skull is a very good book both in content and style. I had never heard about the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) or…

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind 02 November, 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed Guns, Germs, and Steel as it presented a narrative that was based on the entirety of human history. This long time…

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 19 September, 2016

I have delayed writing this post for over a month now. I read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying because the Tibetan Book of the Dead…

On Writing 04 September, 2016

On Writing came to my attention through an interaction with a friend. I have always loved the creative process of writing, both fiction and…

When Breath Becomes Air 27 April, 2016

I heard about When Breath Becomes Air coming out probably because of the New York Times article that the author wrote, but I am not…

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 29 March, 2016

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is not at all what I thought it was going to be. I had envisioned a book that had some general…

Forensics 31 December, 2015

I have always been interested in the criminal justice system both from a fiction and non-fiction perspective. Forensics is a non-fiction…

Furiously Happy 24 December, 2015

In my attempt to read a book a week this year, I have gone through a variety of different strategies to find new things to read. Amazon has…

13 Hours 16 November, 2015

I forget what movie I was at when I first saw the preview for this upcoming movie, but I was pretty excited when I saw it. There was a lot…

Mindset 08 November, 2015

Pop psychology books are usually not my bag, but I have had Mindset lying around for awhile after someone gave it to me and I finally…

Walden 21 July, 2015

Walden is yet another reminder that not all classics are good. I have a suspicion that those who pontificate on Walden only read the…

Spec Ops 01 July, 2015

I was looking for books related to the history of unconvential warfare, and Spec Ops kept popping up. This book presents a theory for how…

Masters of Chaos 20 June, 2015

While reading Chosen Soldier , there was a reference to the book Masters of Chaos as a good historical account of the missions of the…

Chosen Soldier 08 June, 2015

Chosen Soldier is an account of how the US Army recruits and trains special forces soldiers. This was the state of affairs as of around…

Flow 06 June, 2015

I am usually not a fan of psychology books, especially not pop psychology, and even more typically not a fan of what could commonly be…

Inside Delta Force 23 May, 2015

I have been reading a few military books recently, so naturally I would eventually come to read something about Delta Force. What better…

Roughneck Nine-One 10 May, 2015

It appears that I was able to make good on my hope that I would be able to catch back up to my previous pace of a at least a book a week as…

Guns, Germs, and Steel 30 March, 2015

One of the more eye opening books I have read in a while, Guns, Germs, and Steel is a look at why some parts of the world advanced faster…

Lions of Kandahar 10 March, 2015

The Green Berets form an interesting part of our military. They are the Army's tier 2 special forces operators analogous to the SEALs which…

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace 02 March, 2015

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace is another book that made it's way onto my list via being a top rated book on Amazon. I am really…

Zero To One 17 February, 2015

Everyone in Silicon Valley has been talking about Peter Thiel's book Zero To One , so I had to add it to my list. I just finished it and I…

American Sniper 04 January, 2015

I had heard about the story of Chris Kyle through various sources over the past couple years, but I had never got around to reading this…

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