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Furiously Happy 24 December, 2015

In my attempt to read a book a week this year, I have gone through a variety of different strategies to find new things to read. Amazon has…

Ubik 22 December, 2015

Philip K. Dick is widely regarded as one of the top tier science fiction writers of all time. At the same time, he seems to have a bit of…

The Lost Codex 18 December, 2015

After reading a few of the Scot Harvath books by Brad Thor, Amazon recommended The Lost Codex which is part of the OPSIG series by Alan…

The Grownup 16 December, 2015

Gillian Flynn has proven to be one of my favorite authors. I have yet to read something by her that I did not like. This short story, The…

Submergence 14 December, 2015

I have been trying to figure out how Submergence got added to my reading list and honestly I have no idea. I have a feeling this came from…

Takedown 10 December, 2015

I just finished Takedown, which is book 5 in Brad Thor's Scot Harvath series. These books take me less than 24 hours to put down, mostly…

Children of Dune 09 December, 2015

Wow, Dune was long, a bit complex, and good; Dune Messiah was similarly good, with a bit more complexity; Children of Dune took the…

13 Hours 16 November, 2015

I forget what movie I was at when I first saw the preview for this upcoming movie, but I was pretty excited when I saw it. There was a lot…

Die a Little 13 November, 2015

I happened upon an article in Slate that basically says adults should read books for adults and should be embarrassed about reading young…

Mindset 08 November, 2015

Pop psychology books are usually not my bag, but I have had Mindset lying around for awhile after someone gave it to me and I finally broke…

Blowback 03 November, 2015

Blowback is book four in Brad Thor's Scot Harvath series. I am not sure why I am sometimes able to suspend disbelief and sometimes I am…

Pretty Girls 29 October, 2015

Since I am back on the reading train, I went all in and plowed through Pretty Girls, which I decided to check out after an Amazon…

Dune Messiah 28 October, 2015

I started reading another book right after Dune but it proved too dense for me to keep up my motivation to get past the first third. What I…

Dune 03 August, 2015

I had only vaguely heard of Dune before I decided to add it to my reading list. Well, I had heard of it as this classic science fiction…

World War Z 25 July, 2015

Movies and books are often times two sides of the same coin, but recently they seem to have diverged to the point of being unrecognizable…

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