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Eloquent Objective-C: Write Code That Looks Like Objective-C 01 June, 2014

When I look at someone's code, I immediately make a value judgment about the likelihood that their code will work and that the person knows…

Eloquent Objective-C 31 May, 2014

I recently made a transition from writing Objective-C all day to writing Ruby all day. Part of this transition was facilitated by many Ruby…

Not Golfers, Gophers 18 May, 2014

I was doing some language exploration as I am toying with the idea of getting some backend services up and running, and I have some…

What's in a type? 17 May, 2014

This post is mostly going to be about my experiences and where I currently stand on the subject of types in programming languages. It is a bit rambling and not necessarily informative, but I am trying to categorize some of the things I have heard and experienced working with different languages and different people over time. Some topics discussed being what object oriented really means, where it is done well, and where it breaks down. Also a bit about interfaces being, in my mind, the most important thing to make easy to analyze statically.

Why settle for one ugly API when you can have two? 06 May, 2014

In my new job I am working exclusively in Ruby at the moment. What that means for this blog is that most of the code I talk about will be in…

Something new 03 May, 2014

As of about three weeks ago, I no longer work at Facebook. I am now at a start-up called Flexport, which I doubt many people have heard of…

Playing with Haskell 12 January, 2014

Before I get in to the coding part of this post I figured I would talk a little bit about what is going on because I have not posted in a…

Filling in the gap - Work 02 January, 2014

Okay so even though nearly every post was lost from my last blog incarnation, unless I can miraculously recover them, I am going to write…

The New Blog 30 December, 2013

Two years ago I said that I was going to blog every single day as my New Year's resolution. I managed 168 days and then nothing but silence…

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