After reading The City of Ember, I was sufficiently interested to see what the next installment in this series would have to offer. Thus, I read The People of Sparks. I knew the first book was written for a younger audience, but that was much more obvious in this second book. The target age for this is probably 10-15 years old. It was worse than the first, but still readable.
This book was predictable to a degree I have not experienced lately. It was almost painful at times to read. Nevertheless, the story was coherent, and it was pretty easy to read. It is still an interesting story to consider life after some kind of nuclear disaster.
Sparks is a city that the people find after leaving the city of Ember which happens at the end of the previous book. The people try to be nice, then they are not nice, then they are nice again. That is the whole book. It is probably much more interesting if you are learning the themes of humanity as a 10 year old, but as an adult it left much to be desired. I can not really fault the book for that, as I am certainly not the target, so for what it is the book was good, which ranks as an okay on my scale.