A Brief History of Seven Killings, winner of the 2015 Man Booker Prize, is a challenging read spanning several decades centered on the attempted assassination of Bob Marley. Each chapter is told from a different point of view, and these points of view vary wildly. A large portion of the book is in Patois which made the reading a struggle at times.
The attempt on Bob Marley's life happened as did quite a bit of the background action in this book, but the narrative itself is still fiction. I suppose that puts this in the historical fiction genre. The book was good, but it was a slog. I was only partially invested in many of the characters because even though the development is good, they were not all treated equally.
I'd recommend this if you are in to Jamaica and are willing to put in the time and effort. I have started reading these Man Booker Prize winners and they are mostly of this weird variety.