I guess I am reading the Dark Tower series now, so this was the second installment, The Drawing of the Three. Having enjoyed the first book…
Winner of the Man Booker Prize, The Sellout is an hilarous, irreverent novel set in roughly present day southern California. This is really…
Written by the author of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals is the next step in a philosophical system…
Every once in a while a book comes along that many people talk about wanting to read or bragging about having read and I often find it hard…
Country of My Skull is a very good book both in content and style. I had never heard about the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) or…
I thoroughly enjoyed Guns, Germs, and Steel as it presented a narrative that was based on the entirety of human history. This long time…
I was recommended to read one of the books in this series, so I chose the first one, The Color of Magic. It is super weird. I am not really…
I have delayed writing this post for over a month now. I read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying because the Tibetan Book of the Dead was…
On Writing came to my attention through an interaction with a friend. I have always loved the creative process of writing, both fiction and…
I think I ended up reading The Good Girl because it was on the list of free books from Amazon for July or August. It was a decent book, at…
The last non-book post I wrote was on New Years. Some things have happened in my life since then. Shit a lot of things have happened. I…
I am dragging this year on my reading. Part of that has to do with skydiving taking up a lot of my time. Part has to do with that I recently…
I kept hearing about or seeing Water for Elephants so that I came to the conclusion that it must be worth checking out. Overall it was an…
There are many books that for one reason or another exist in my mind as part of a list of classics. Books that I feel are quoted or read…
I picked The Last Girl as my choice for the free book of the month from Amazon, at least that is how I think I got this for free. It was an…