I have been listening to The Drive which is the podcast by Peter Attia for a while now. I am interested in human biology and performance…
Why I decided to buy and read Man's Search for Meaning at this moment I do not know. However I am glad that I did. I have heard of it…
After reading Fever House I knew that I would need to read The Devil by Name which is the sequel. Like nearly all sequels, the most novel…
Deep Work has been sitting on my shelf for over a year. I had some time being sick to do some reading so I decided to pull it off the shelf…
The Border is the last in the Power of the Dog trilogy. Maybe not as good as the others, but it was great to have an ending and was good in…
I listen to the A16Z podcasts and one of them is One on One with A and Z which is pretty good. I think it is just recording a Clubhouse show…
I took a pretty serious hiatus from reading. Part of it is the move, part is just being generally busy with work and the rest of life. I…
The Philosophical Baby is an interesting book from when viewed as a parenting book. It presents a lot of modern scientific understanding of…
I heard about The Mom Test several times on different startup and tech podcasts. I decided to pick it up even though I'm not planning on…
Ghost Wall is very short and quite good. It starts off a little slow, but once it pulled me in I couldn't put it down until I found out how…
We are in a pandemic so I decided to pick up The Stand and give it a shot. This was a good book although not really that relevant to the…
I think I heard about The Three-Body Problem on the A16Z podcast, but I do not exactly recall. This was an enjoyable read, even more…
I heard about Atomic Habits on a podcast I listen to and decided to give it a shot. As basically a self-help book it is not bad. You have to…
I really like Joe Hill and the latest novel of his for me was The Fireman. The idea is great, the story was good, but I didn't really care…
I forget how I came across The Forever War, but I read it rather quickly when I did get around to it and it is pretty good. Similar to Old…
I picked up Old Man's War after hearing about it a few times. It is a fun and somewhat thought provoking science fiction book. It has some…
I am not sure why this one got recommeneded to me but The Spy and the Traitor as been on my list for a while now. I am happy to have watched…
I enjoyed Ready Player One so much that I knew I was going to read Armada eventually. A great idea, executed okay, resulting in a good book…
Winner of a few awards and top of quite a few lists, Asymmetry is a book that defies a normal categorization. The book has three parts which…
Foreign Influence is the next entry in the Scot Harvath series from Brad Thor. An indulgent page turner from the get go, this one falls in…
Sometimes a book comes along where I'm convinced it is either horrible or amazing and I vacillate between the two. Typically the process…
I still need to read Lolita. It is one of the only audiobooks that I have ever made it all the way through and actually felt like I followed…
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell is actually two essays really put together as a book. The first The Doors of Perception is…
Another member of the drug related books on Taya's bookshelf, Acid Test is yet another historical look at psychedelics in the United States…
The Apostle is book eight in the Scot Harvath series by Brad Thor. Not much to say about this one, it was about on par with the other books…
A classic sci-fi (although I think he classified it as fantasy) novel, The Martian Chronicles, is one that has always been on my list but…
The Shock Doctrine is a book detailing how capitalism has been spread throughout the world on the back of disaster and violence. I was…
I had this book Flow on my Kindle and couldn't remember whether I had read it yet or not, so I decided to read it. Just now as I sat down to…
A Brief History of Seven Killings, winner of the 2015 Man Booker Prize, is a challenging read spanning several decades centered on the…
The Harvard Psychedelic Club was recommended to me by Taya as she was surprised I had not read it already. I had a decent understanding of…
Bringing Up Bébé is a book memoir combined with a book on parenting advice. The main point is that the culture of parenting in Paris is…
American Gods made its way on to my reading list again for some unknown reason. I think someone asked me if I liked Neil Gaiman and as usual…
From the author of The Martian, Artemis is a great heist story set on the moon in the future. Once again he strikes just the right balance…
The Blessing Of A Skinned Knee was recommended by our future pediatrician. In many ways it is a book about living a Jewish life and how that…
Another suggestion from Amazon's list of best books, Station Eleven is a story about humanity and civilization. The setting is before…
The Left Hand of Darkness was recommended to me by Taya after she read this as well as The Dispossessed which I understand to be in the same…
Another book made it onto my list for a reason I can no longer remember. I decided to pick up The War of Art and power through it because…
Part of being married is experiencing new things that you would otherwise have not because of your partner. I can't say that I always…
Yet another Scot Harvath book from Brad Thor, The First Commandment was just as good as the rest. These books are a bit of my guilty reading…
When one gets married, there is an expectation of a gift or favor given to the attendees by the bride and groom. Taya and I had both been to…
I guess I am reading the Dark Tower series now, so this was the second installment, The Drawing of the Three. Having enjoyed the first book…
Written by the author of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals is the next step in a philosophical system…
I thoroughly enjoyed Guns, Germs, and Steel as it presented a narrative that was based on the entirety of human history. This long time…
I have delayed writing this post for over a month now. I read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying because the Tibetan Book of the Dead was…
I think I ended up reading The Good Girl because it was on the list of free books from Amazon for July or August. It was a decent book, at…
I kept hearing about or seeing Water for Elephants so that I came to the conclusion that it must be worth checking out. Overall it was an…
There are many books that for one reason or another exist in my mind as part of a list of classics. Books that I feel are quoted or read…
I heard about When Breath Becomes Air coming out probably because of the New York Times article that the author wrote, but I am not entirely…
The third and final book in the Red Rising trilogy, Morning Star was equally as good as the first two books. None of them are liteary…
Fates and Furies is yet another work of literary fiction with a dramatic amount of metaphor and flowery language. This is a heavy book with…
Thank goodness for leap day as I managed to technically get in another book in February. I forgot why I added The Bell Jar to my wishlist…
I am not sure where I had first heard of Siddhartha, but it has been in the back of my head as a book that I should read at some point…
Amazon created a TV series semi-based on this book and it was available as part of the Unlimited Kindle reading program on Amazon, so I…
In my attempt to read a book a week this year, I have gone through a variety of different strategies to find new things to read. Amazon has…
Gillian Flynn has proven to be one of my favorite authors. I have yet to read something by her that I did not like. This short story, The…
I have been trying to figure out how Submergence got added to my reading list and honestly I have no idea. I have a feeling this came from…
I just finished Takedown, which is book 5 in Brad Thor's Scot Harvath series. These books take me less than 24 hours to put down, mostly…
I forget what movie I was at when I first saw the preview for this upcoming movie, but I was pretty excited when I saw it. There was a lot…
I happened upon an article in Slate that basically says adults should read books for adults and should be embarrassed about reading young…
Pop psychology books are usually not my bag, but I have had Mindset lying around for awhile after someone gave it to me and I finally broke…
Blowback is book four in Brad Thor's Scot Harvath series. I am not sure why I am sometimes able to suspend disbelief and sometimes I am…
Since I am back on the reading train, I went all in and plowed through Pretty Girls, which I decided to check out after an Amazon…
I decided to put State of the Union on my reading list after reading a couple of the other Scot Harvath books. I have to say the first two…
I read Red Rising a while ago and enjoyed it enough to put the second book in the trilogy, Golden Son on my reading list. Red Rising did not…
I read Everything I Never Told You and The Girl on The Train for whatever reasons (I think because of some Amazon list), and hence A Small…
While reading Chosen Soldier, there was a reference to the book Masters of Chaos as a good historical account of the missions of the Green…
After reading The Lions of Lucerne, I really wanted to read more about Scot Harvath, so I followed up with the second book in the series…
Chosen Soldier is an account of how the US Army recruits and trains special forces soldiers. This was the state of affairs as of around 200…
I am usually not a fan of psychology books, especially not pop psychology, and even more typically not a fan of what could commonly be…
I have been reading a few military books recently, so naturally I would eventually come to read something about Delta Force. What better…
The Amazon lists of top books seems to be a bit hit or miss with me, but more hit than miss. The Girl on the Train is definitely a hit on…
It appears that I was able to make good on my hope that I would be able to catch back up to my previous pace of a at least a book a week as…
Cryptonomicon was a long and at times convulted read, but overall it was entertaining. Although the book was not ridiculously long (around…
One of the more eye opening books I have read in a while, Guns, Germs, and Steel is a look at why some parts of the world advanced faster…
The Green Berets form an interesting part of our military. They are the Army's tier 2 special forces operators analogous to the SEALs which…
The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace is another book that made it's way onto my list via being a top rated book on Amazon. I am really…
I have always liked thrillers like Rainbow Six and The Bourne Identity, so when I heard about the Scot Harvath series, I decided to through…
Everyone in Silicon Valley has been talking about Peter Thiel's book Zero To One, so I had to add it to my list. I just finished it and I…
Rearranging my reading list to mix up the content and genre was definitely a good idea. Ready Player One got bumped up in my queue because I…
I really need to stop reading books about families with dead daughters. I have read 8 books so far this year and 3 of them have their main…
Somehow The Martian ended up on my reading list and I am quite happy that it did. I found it difficult to put down, even more so that some…
I had heard about the story of Chris Kyle through various sources over the past couple years, but I had never got around to reading this…