Creation Lake was a shortlist finalist for the Booker Prize which has become one of my go-to sources of great reading. I have read maybe…
I heard about Fever House from a NYT Book Review podcast episode about favorite horror books from a couple famous horror authors. Joe Hill…
2666: A Novel is insane. I think it was quite good but it took me forever to read and it was one of the most unique things I have ever read…
The Committed is the sequel to The Sympathizer. Both are very good.
The WEIRDest People in the World was a really great book. I don't have much of a review to write at the moment, but I highly recommend it.
I loved Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond so I have been looking forward to reading Collapse and I finally got around to it. It was a…
I am really glad I decided to read The Talented Mr. Ripley. I was thinking that I had seen the movie but after reading it I don't think I…
Hunt, Gather, Parent is the best parenting book I have read so far. It has many faults and I don't think you should just follow her advice…
Thinking in Systems is a great book about, well, thinking in systems. I have never heard of this field before which I am now realizing is…
The Kingdom is both really annoying and amazing. It radically altered how I view Chistrianity, The Bible, and the church. But the author is…
Say Nothing is a history of "The Troubles" which is a part of history that I only vaguely understood before reading this book. This is a…
I fell behind on writing these after reading, so this is just going to be a marker. I read How to Change Your Mind and it was great. This…
Halfway through reading Less I came to the conclusion that I don't think I have read a novel before with a gay protagonist. That says…
From the author of An Officer and a Spy comes Munich yet another wonderful piece of historical fiction. This is a fictional spy thriller…
2001: A Space Odyssey is a classic science fiction novel as well as a classic movie. I have seen the movie several times, but didn't really…
Having children changes your outlook on life. The Last Stone is a true crime story about the kidnapping and murder of two young girls in the…
The first I had heard of The Illustrated Man was in a reference on a tv show about a dead body covered in tattoos. Little did I know that I…
I enjoyed all the other Joe Hill books I have read so far, and Heart-Shaped Box is no exception. This was a engaging and actually somewhat…
The Shining is yet another Stephen King book that made it on to my list. I have seen the movie more than a few times over my life but never…
After reading Horns, I put NOS4A2 on my list and was excited to get to it. The dark comedy genre really fits my personality for some reason…
Taya recommend another Ursula K. Le Guin book, The Dispossessed, which is set roughly in the same scifi universe as The Left Hand of…
I saw a review for Rise and Kill First a month or so ago and immediately put it on my reading list. I decided to read it after I picked up…
Shoe Dog, the autobiography or memoir by Phil Knight, is a thoroughly engaging and entertaining account of the rise of the most iconic brand…
Horns is a wonderful dark comedy by Joe Hill. This one was recommended to me by my wife while we were walking in Washington D.C. and came…
Continuing in my reading trend of all things about inequality, The Great Leveler is a history book attempting to find causes for how income…
I added this book to my list some months ago after I believe seeing a review in a newspaper. I bought it in the last batch of books along…
A letter from a father to his son, Between the World and Me is something that got inside my brain. I had a lot of thoughts while reading…
A recommendation from Taya led me to pick up 11/22/63, yet another Stephen King book that she said I would enjoy. It turns out that I should…
The Cartel is the sequel to Don Winslow's The Power of the Dog which blew me away when I read it in January of last year. I immediately put…
I am not entirely sure why I avoided reading Stephen King all these years, but now that I have started I don't want to stop. It is the…
Again on my search for things to read I went back to books that have won prizes and came up with The Sympathizer the winner of the Pulitzer…
Taya started watching the Hulu show based on this book, and before I wanted to watch it I had to read the book, so I picked up The Handmaid…
Chuck Palahniuk is one weird dude, I knew that after reading Fight Club. Reading Lullaby has solidified my opinion. Describing this book…
Winner of the Man Booker Prize, The Sellout is an hilarous, irreverent novel set in roughly present day southern California. This is really…
Every once in a while a book comes along that many people talk about wanting to read or bragging about having read and I often find it hard…
Country of My Skull is a very good book both in content and style. I had never heard about the Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) or…
On Writing came to my attention through an interaction with a friend. I have always loved the creative process of writing, both fiction and…
I am dragging this year on my reading. Part of that has to do with skydiving taking up a lot of my time. Part has to do with that I recently…
Giraffe is the debut novel by J.M. Ledgard although it is the second book of his that I have read. I forget why I initially read Submergence…
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is not at all what I thought it was going to be. I had envisioned a book that had some general…
I was in an airport bookshop and saw The Goldfinch on the shelf. I picked it up and glanced at the back cover, decided that yes I would like…
All the Light We Cannot See has been constantly recommended to me, it was a top book of the year a couple years ago, as well as a Pulitzer…
The movie Fight Club was good, but I always heard that I should read Fight Club as it was much better. Typical. In fact, this is such a…
I have seen The Power of the Dog on Amazon for quite some time now; the cover kept drawing my eye and the description was enough to have me…
Another Amazon recommendation that hit the spot, Bull Mountain is a fast paced, well written, crime thriller. The writing style is one that…
Even though this book kept popping up on Amazon recommendations and other lists, for some reason every time I read the description I put off…
Wow, Dune was long, a bit complex, and good; Dune Messiah was similarly good, with a bit more complexity; Children of Dune took the…
I started reading another book right after Dune but it proved too dense for me to keep up my motivation to get past the first third. What I…
I had only vaguely heard of Dune before I decided to add it to my reading list. Well, I had heard of it as this classic science fiction…
Movies and books are often times two sides of the same coin, but recently they seem to have diverged to the point of being unrecognizable…
Another science fiction book, another one in the class of important scifi books, but this one, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, I think…
I was looking for books related to the history of unconvential warfare, and Spec Ops kept popping up. This book presents a theory for how to…
There has been an increasing amount of discussion and interest in what is now known as the Autism spectrum, which includes Asperger's…
This is the last of Gillian Flynn's books that I needed to read. I read them nonchronologically, reading Gone Girl first, then Sharp Objects…
Focus is one of the attributes that I like most about myself. It allows me to drop out of the rest of the world and engross myself in a book…
A couple years ago I picked up Gone Girl and was quite impressed. It was the kind of book that was really hard to put down, and more than…