I have been listening to The Drive which is the podcast by Peter Attia for a while now. I am interested in human biology and performance…
Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned is less of a book and more of a series of blog posts. It contains a great kernel of a idea, namely goal…
I heard about Atomic Habits on a podcast I listen to and decided to give it a shot. As basically a self-help book it is not bad. You have to…
My philosophy on education is driven by the long term view that ultimately the purpose of education is to prepare one to face a world full…
I am looking for things to read. Always. We subscribe to the New York Times to be delivered in paper form on Sundays, I always go right for…
Another year in the books, and somehow they each seem to be crazier than the last. 2018 was really separated by the end of July into two…
Bringing Up Bébé is a book memoir combined with a book on parenting advice. The main point is that the culture of parenting in Paris is…
Shoe Dog, the autobiography or memoir by Phil Knight, is a thoroughly engaging and entertaining account of the rise of the most iconic brand…
A letter from a father to his son, Between the World and Me is something that got inside my brain. I had a lot of thoughts while reading…
Another book made it onto my list for a reason I can no longer remember. I decided to pick up The War of Art and power through it because…
On July 13, 2013 I did a tandem skydive. It took me two and a half years to finally get around to signing up for a first jump course, the…
When one gets married, there is an expectation of a gift or favor given to the attendees by the bride and groom. Taya and I had both been to…
Chuck Palahniuk is one weird dude, I knew that after reading Fight Club. Reading Lullaby has solidified my opinion. Describing this book…
I have delayed writing this post for over a month now. I read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying because the Tibetan Book of the Dead was…
The last non-book post I wrote was on New Years. Some things have happened in my life since then. Shit a lot of things have happened. I…
I heard about When Breath Becomes Air coming out probably because of the New York Times article that the author wrote, but I am not entirely…
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is not at all what I thought it was going to be. I had envisioned a book that had some general…
Thank goodness for leap day as I managed to technically get in another book in February. I forgot why I added The Bell Jar to my wishlist…
I was in an airport bookshop and saw The Goldfinch on the shelf. I picked it up and glanced at the back cover, decided that yes I would like…
I am not sure where I had first heard of Siddhartha, but it has been in the back of my head as a book that I should read at some point…
My New Year's resolution for 2015 was to read a book a week. I was successful in doing this in total, even though I did not follow a linear…
Pop psychology books are usually not my bag, but I have had Mindset lying around for awhile after someone gave it to me and I finally broke…
I am usually not a fan of psychology books, especially not pop psychology, and even more typically not a fan of what could commonly be…
I have recently become more disillusioned with the culture around me and which I am a part. When I was working at Facebook, I had…
It has officially been over a month now so I feel ready to write about this, after 7 years and 8 months, Lauren and I have broken up. I know…
Read This First (added later) This post was never intended to be a justification of Facebook or of the arbitrary experimentation that is…
I have recently started reading Quiet, a book about introversion. I am an introvert, something that has always been clear to me, and in…
As of about three weeks ago, I no longer work at Facebook. I am now at a start-up called Flexport, which I doubt many people have heard of…
Okay so even though nearly every post was lost from my last blog incarnation, unless I can miraculously recover them, I am going to write…