Why I decided to buy and read Man's Search for Meaning at this moment I do not know. However I am glad that I did. I have heard of it…
The Philosophical Baby is an interesting book from when viewed as a parenting book. It presents a lot of modern scientific understanding of…
I fell behind on writing these after reading, so this is just going to be a marker. I read How to Change Your Mind and it was great. This…
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell is actually two essays really put together as a book. The first The Doors of Perception is…
I had this book Flow on my Kindle and couldn't remember whether I had read it yet or not, so I decided to read it. Just now as I sat down to…
I added this book to my list some months ago after I believe seeing a review in a newspaper. I bought it in the last batch of books along…
Nausea was not that good. In some sense I feel bad saying that, especially when the Amazon tagline is "Sartre's greatest novel — and…
Written by the author of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals is the next step in a philosophical system…