

42 posts tagged with "scifi"

Dream Park 02 December, 2021

I listen to the A16Z podcasts and one of them is One on One with A and Z which is pretty good. I think it is just recording a Clubhouse show…

Klara and the Sun 07 November, 2021

I took a pretty serious hiatus from reading. Part of it is the move, part is just being generally busy with work and the rest of life. I…

The Three-Body Problem 20 January, 2020

I think I heard about The Three-Body Problem on the A16Z podcast, but I do not exactly recall. This was an enjoyable read, even more…

The Fireman 02 January, 2020

I really like Joe Hill and the latest novel of his for me was The Fireman. The idea is great, the story was good, but I didn't really care…

The Forever War 20 December, 2019

I forget how I came across The Forever War, but I read it rather quickly when I did get around to it and it is pretty good. Similar to Old…

Old Man's War 27 November, 2019

I picked up Old Man's War after hearing about it a few times. It is a fun and somewhat thought provoking science fiction book. It has some…

2001: A Space Odyssey 02 June, 2019

2001: A Space Odyssey is a classic science fiction novel as well as a classic movie. I have seen the movie several times, but didn't really…

Armada 03 April, 2019

I enjoyed Ready Player One so much that I knew I was going to read Armada eventually. A great idea, executed okay, resulting in a good book…

The Illustrated Man 23 March, 2019

The first I had heard of The Illustrated Man was in a reference on a tv show about a dead body covered in tattoos. Little did I know that I…

Ice 10 February, 2019

Sometimes a book comes along where I'm convinced it is either horrible or amazing and I vacillate between the two. Typically the process…

Iron Gold 21 January, 2019

Iron Gold is the fourth book in the Red Rising series which I originally thought was intended to be a trilogy. It has been a while since I…

The Martian Chronicles 10 October, 2018

A classic sci-fi (although I think he classified it as fantasy) novel, The Martian Chronicles, is one that has always been on my list but…

American Gods 14 June, 2018

American Gods made its way on to my reading list again for some unknown reason. I think someone asked me if I liked Neil Gaiman and as usual…

NOS4A2 18 May, 2018

After reading Horns, I put NOS4A2 on my list and was excited to get to it. The dark comedy genre really fits my personality for some reason…

The Dispossessed 30 April, 2018

Taya recommend another Ursula K. Le Guin book, The Dispossessed, which is set roughly in the same scifi universe as The Left Hand of…

Authority 22 April, 2018

Authority is the second book in the Southern Reach trilogy, the first being Annihilation. I would classify these both as literary science…

Artemis 06 April, 2018

From the author of The Martian, Artemis is a great heist story set on the moon in the future. Once again he strikes just the right balance…

Station Eleven 20 March, 2018

Another suggestion from Amazon's list of best books, Station Eleven is a story about humanity and civilization. The setting is before…

Dark Matter 15 March, 2018

In trying to keep the sources of my books diverse I pull from some lists periodically just to keep an eye on what other people are reading…

The Left Hand of Darkness 01 March, 2018

The Left Hand of Darkness was recommended to me by Taya after she read this as well as The Dispossessed which I understand to be in the same…

Annihilation 18 January, 2018

Part of being married is experiencing new things that you would otherwise have not because of your partner. I can't say that I always…

11/22/63 15 January, 2018

A recommendation from Taya led me to pick up 11/22/63, yet another Stephen King book that she said I would enjoy. It turns out that I should…

It 03 September, 2017

I am not entirely sure why I avoided reading Stephen King all these years, but now that I have started I don't want to stop. It is the…

The Handmaid's Tale 30 May, 2017

Taya started watching the Hulu show based on this book, and before I wanted to watch it I had to read the book, so I picked up The Handmaid…

The Drawing of the Three 16 May, 2017

I guess I am reading the Dark Tower series now, so this was the second installment, The Drawing of the Three. Having enjoyed the first book…

The Color of Magic 22 September, 2016

I was recommended to read one of the books in this series, so I chose the first one, The Color of Magic. It is super weird. I am not really…

Snow Crash 07 August, 2016

I am dragging this year on my reading. Part of that has to do with skydiving taking up a lot of my time. Part has to do with that I recently…

The Last Girl 11 May, 2016

I picked The Last Girl as my choice for the free book of the month from Amazon, at least that is how I think I got this for free. It was an…

Morning Star 15 April, 2016

The third and final book in the Red Rising trilogy, Morning Star was equally as good as the first two books. None of them are liteary…

The Man in the High Castle 19 January, 2016

Amazon created a TV series semi-based on this book and it was available as part of the Unlimited Kindle reading program on Amazon, so I…

Ubik 22 December, 2015

Philip K. Dick is widely regarded as one of the top tier science fiction writers of all time. At the same time, he seems to have a bit of…

Children of Dune 09 December, 2015

Wow, Dune was long, a bit complex, and good; Dune Messiah was similarly good, with a bit more complexity; Children of Dune took the…

Dune Messiah 28 October, 2015

I started reading another book right after Dune but it proved too dense for me to keep up my motivation to get past the first third. What I…

Dune 03 August, 2015

I had only vaguely heard of Dune before I decided to add it to my reading list. Well, I had heard of it as this classic science fiction…

World War Z 25 July, 2015

Movies and books are often times two sides of the same coin, but recently they seem to have diverged to the point of being unrecognizable…

The People of Sparks 23 July, 2015

After reading The City of Ember, I was sufficiently interested to see what the next installment in this series would have to offer. Thus, I…

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 08 July, 2015

Another science fiction book, another one in the class of important scifi books, but this one, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, I think…

Neuromancer 07 July, 2015

I have always enjoyed reading science fiction books, but for whatever reason I sometimes disagree with the status quo when it comes to what…

Golden Son 04 July, 2015

I read Red Rising a while ago and enjoyed it enough to put the second book in the trilogy, Golden Son on my reading list. Red Rising did not…

Red Rising 17 March, 2015

I just finished another book that further reinforced how much I like science fiction. Red Rising felt quite a bit like the Hunger Games and…

Ready Player One 13 February, 2015

Rearranging my reading list to mix up the content and genre was definitely a good idea. Ready Player One got bumped up in my queue because I…

The Martian 26 January, 2015

Somehow The Martian ended up on my reading list and I am quite happy that it did. I found it difficult to put down, even more so that some…

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